- PolyGains V2 launches 1 mio Tier-II TVL on the Polygon Network, with new integrations, audits and better yield seeking windows.
- ETH Maxi and TopGear Vault’s successfully capped Tier-III TVL with a bonus TVL unlock, now live for all degens.
- Brahma Badges S1 dropped early Jan 2023 with 11 new badges; aimed to lock-in community contribution.
- Brahma’s secret project hits the limelight with its alpha testing phase, coming Wednesday Feb 15.
2023 FTW
Brahma’s annual doctrine debates it’s DeFi’s year of redemption.
Not because Brahma contemplates that this year markets paint sentiments in green, UpOnly and “in it for the tech” tech. But also not because we choose to overlook the possibilities of profound market fluctuations, potential ponzis bonks and tank rallies.
It’s the year of redemption because it’s the year Brahma pulls out one of its many trump cards to rescue the degen need for pure security-empowered yield, with a probe to monetise DeFi’s ever-changing yield windows, across assets, chains and pools. It’s the year to further maximise the bull run while providing ample opportunities to shield and gain from the bera.
It’s also the year of degen godfather offerings; the year to disseminate control and money-yielding power to our users. But without revealing much of what’s to arrive spoon, let’s take a look at the year’s first monthly recapooor analysing shipping milestones, vault performances and prospective plans ahead.
Let’s go!
Planned Vs. Achieved
Scaling Season ft. ETH Maxi and TopGear Vault
ETH Maxi and TopGear DegenVault’s were quick to fill their Tier-III TVL worth additional 100 $ETH and 150K $FRAX respectively.
Given the vault’s phenomenal response, Brahma has allocated additional Tier-IV TVL space, replicating the same capacity increase as a bonus unlock for degens in line waiting to deposit. Quick alertooor, the ETH Maxi DegenVault is already at 90% TVL capacity and is swiftly zooming towards maxing out in the coming few days.
As for the TopGear Vault, degens be notified, this will be the final 150K $FRAX cap increase for the strategy until the secret project unlocks.
Make sure you park your funds to fraximise and maximise your gains across these assets before they max out leaving no space to benefit from some of the best-in-class yield-generating strategies (ever) launched.
PolyGains V2
Brahma’s signature principal protected strategy debuted, PolyGains V2 has now arrived with upgraded vault contracts, a fresh Balancer integration to benefit from diversified yield generation and new security audits in place to increase the vault’s scaling proximity even further. With its 1 mio TVL unlocking just two days ago with +50% of the TVL already at capacity, here’s your opportunity to deposit and secure your $MATIC bags before V1 depositooors completely migrate.
With an average APY of 11.42% since inception, the cumulative yield generated by PolyGains V1 amounts to 12,784.8 $MATIC (All time performance). The yield is now also generated from Balancer rewards as well as Lido emissions as part of V2 integrational updates.
A 2-step migration is enabled to make the process smooth for Brahma’s $MATIC hodlers. Migration is recommended and necessary to continue yielding on deposits. Note: PolyGains V1 will be inactive post Tier-II scaling
Monthly Vault Performance
PMUSDC: (https://app.brahma.fi/vault/pmusdc)
1. Total yield earned this month: 2697.7 $USDC
2. Average APY for the month was: 1.25%
3. Projected APY for Feb 2023 is: 4.26%
4. Signal accuracy for trades taken was: 75%
5. TVL filled: 1.0 of 1.3 mio $USDC (76% filled)
ETH Maxi DegenVault: (https://degen.brahma.fi/vault/ethmaxi)
1. Total yield earned this month: 2.27 $ETH
2. Average APY for the month was: 10.85%
3. Projected APY for Feb 2023 is: 7.79%
4. Signal accuracy for trades taken was: 75%
5. TVL filled: 543.37 of 600 $ETH (90% filled)
PolyGains DegenVault: (https://degen.brahma.fi/vault/polygains)
1. Total yield earned this month: 6430.36 $MATIC
2. Average APY for the month was: 17.4%
3. Projected APY for Feb. 2023 is: 14.37%
4. Signal accuracy for trades taken was: 75%
5. TVL filled: 524K of 1 mio $MATIC (52% Filled)
TopGear Vault: (https://degen.brahma.fi/vault/topgear)
TVL filled: 575 of 720K $FRAX (79% filled)
TopGear stETH yield: 5.3%
TopGear ETH borrow APY: 3.61%
Projected APY for Feb 2023 is: 6.21%
View active credit accounts here
Plans ahead, February 2023 and beyond
Brahma Badges
After being under the wraps and planning underway for a few months, Brahma has launched 11 S1 ancillary Brahma Badges for the community
Recapitulating, our community degens have upheld and spread the word of Brahma diligently in exchange for onchain + offchain calculations that sum up to deliver a consistently fluctuating karma score.
While Karma remains the fluctuating composition to unlock future “offerings”, Brahma Badges would constitute a more static aspect of these work-drop based offerings. Reinstating both components to be just as important.
Read in greater depth about the significance of each badge, how to acquire/retain em + their rarity levels here.
S2 of badges are currently being planned with avid contributions and suggestion recorded as part of “Build-Your-Own-Badge” Bounty. Several unique suggestions, design ideas and tier recommendations hab been pooled in. Bounty winooors 4+ Badge hodlers and Karma seekors, stay tuned. Announcements and uplevels coming your way the week ahead.
Our Poker Chad for the month is our newest community membooor: vasiklep#0741; The title of the top contributoooors of the month is retained by ser Berry#4144 and brahma artist Oracle#3193.
Secret Project
This Saturday, we speak about next Wednesday.
The secret project is all set to release its secret prefix soon, 2ith pilot announcements and applications rolling out on Feb 15.
While we would abstain from spoiling the thrill of it too early, too soon, all we can say is Brahma is getting ready to help you “Take control🕹️”
Speculate on. Until next time!
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This article is not an offer of securities, an invitation to sell or a recommendation to subscribe for or purchase any securities, and it has been prepared without any consideration of particular investment objectives. Nothing herein constitutes investment advice or recommendation.