- Brahma Console is prepping for its Alpha Launch towards the second half of May 2023 with initial invites being rolled out to select waitlistooors, investors, DAOs, and community members.
- Console’s initial partner integrations have been officially announced with security infrastructure powered by Safe, automation capacities via Gelato, swap routes through CowSwap with an Aave GHO strategy supported by Aura and Balancer integrations in the pipeline.
- Brahma’s 2023 vault performance so far, has been captured, analysed and released with the TopGear vault leading the APY frontlines, currently project an APY of 9.21% on $FRAX
- Vivid clarity around Karma levelling parameters and perks has been finally digressed towards the latter half of the updatooor.
Planned Vs. Achieved
Brahma is in yet another month of stealth-mode shipping.
Console simulations are being fine-tuned to deliver DeFi’s most seamless user experience. Brahma Console, in its journey to create a new standard for self-custodial DeFi, is now proceeding with an acute focus on faster execution, unlocking newer DeFi avenues, backed by a robust monitoring and risk management strategy, is all set to enhance capital efficiency as you know it.
In doing so, the ecosystem’s most trusted security infrastructure and automation standards are being implemented. Console’s initial partner integrations have been rolled out with security infrastructure powered by Safe, automation capacities via Gelato, swap routes through CowSwap with an Aave GHO strategy supported by Aura and Balancer rebalancing integrations in the pipeline.
Dive into further detail about partner integrations and their use cases here.
Before diving into upcoming developments, let’s recap April 2023’s Vault Performance with a bonus overview in the form of a 4-month performance synopsis.
Read on.
Monthly Vault Performance:
1. Total yield earned this month: 1873.34 $USDC
2. Average APY for the month was: 0.24%
3. Projected APY for May 2023 is: 3.38%
4. Signal accuracy for trades taken was: 25%
5. TVL filled: 954K of 1.7 mio $USDC (55% filled)
ETH Maxi DegenVault: (
1. Total yield earned this month: 1.353 $ETH
2. Average APY for the month was: 0.58%
3. Projected APY for May 2023 is: 6.22%
4. Signal accuracy for trades taken was: 25%
5. TVL filled: 449.68 of 750 $ETH (59% filled)
PolyGains DegenVault: (
1. Total yield earned this month: 1212 $MATIC
2. Average APY for the month was: 3.89%
3. Projected APY for May 2023 is: 4.64%
4. Signal accuracy for trades taken was: 25%
5. TVL filled: 675.8 of 1 mio $MATIC (67% Filled)
TopGear Vault: (
1. TVL filled: 572.66 of 720K $FRAX (69% filled)
2. Prev 30D Avg stETH APY: 5.6%
3. Prev 30D Avg. ETH borrow rate: 3.67%
4. Proj. APY, currently: 9.21% on $FRAX
View active credit accounts here
2023 Vault Performance Overview (Jan-April 2023 | Quarterly)
TopGear Vault: (Highest APY Yieldoooor)
1. Current Projected APY: 12.25%
2. Leverage on CA: x3.64
3. Avg ETH borrow rate: 5.175%
4. Avg steth APY: 4.979%
5. Final TVL deposit room: 146K $FRAX
Polygains DegenVault: (Sustainable $MATIC Yieldooor)
1. Total profits generated this year, so far: 12,735.15 $MATIC
2. Average APY this year: 8.99%
3. Signal accuracy on trades: 52.5%
4. Current Projected APY: 4.73%
5. Final TVL deposit room: 324K $MATIC
ETH Maxi DegenVault: (ETH Maximisoooor)
1. Total profits generated this year, so far: 7.573 $ETH
2. Average APY this year: 4.88%
3. Signal accuracy on trades: 52.5%
4. Current Projected APY: 6.25%
5. Final TVL deposit room: 301.08 $ETH
PMUSDC Vault: (Stablecoin Safekeep)
1. Total profits generated this year, so far: 9397.6 $USDC
2. Average APY till April 2023: 1.2%
3. Signal accuracy on trades: 52.5%
4. Current Projected APY: 3.01%
5. Final TVL deposit room: 712K $USDC
Explore the all-time vault performance overview here.
Plans ahead, May 2023 and beyond
Brahma Console Alpha Phase, This Way!
The second half of May 2023 is all set to open the gateways to a new standard of self-custodial DeFi. The sprint will last several weeks with incremental feature releases and enriched optimisations, upgrading Console’s build quality with every update.
Without giving away too much of the pilot release details, the pilot feature will be long-term trade-oriented.
A select group of power investooors, DAOs and community members will commence alpha sprints soon!
Community Updates: Karma Levelling/Delevelling Demystified
To put into perspective and recap, here’s the upleveling role ladder within the community:
Brahma Bag hodler > Brahma Fren > Brahma Degens > Verified Explorer
Digressing straight into parameter to keep in mind and sprint through to maximise your karma-seeking bandwidth right away!
Verified Explorer ⏩ Degen
What’s in it for you?
Guaranteed 7% monthly karma boost + Priority product news + Dedicated private channel in-server
Level up:
- Active community interactions
- Monthly at least one bounty participation
- Bearer of any guild level 1 badge
- Bearer of a Brahma Badge
- Avid Twitter sumport crew
Delevels wen:
- Tweet/Community inactivity
- Loss of the brahma or guild badge
Degen ⏩ Fren
What’s in it for you?
Guaranteed 10% monthly karma boost + Priority product announcements and preview + Dedicated private channel in-server + Extended 0.5-1 month hold-period before deleveling.
Level up:
- Active community participation
- Active Bounty Participator
- Bearer of any guild level 2 badge
- Bearer of 2+ Brahma Badges
- Participation in product feedback/quests.
- Twitter sumport/server resource contribution
Delevels wen:
- Tweet/Community inactivity
- Loss of 1+ brahma or guild badge
- Less product quest/sprint participation
Fren ⏩ Brahma Baghodler
What’s in it for you?
Guaranteed 15% monthly karma boost + Custom PFPs + Priority product access + Dedicated private channel in-server + Extended 1–2 month hold-period before deleveling + Access to merch release
Level up:
- Listing/amplify/referral drives
- Fren role holder for 3+ mo consecutively
- Bearer of any guild level 2–3 badge
- Bearer and hodler of multiple Brahma Badges with unlocked levels.
- Participation in product feedbacks/quests.
Delevels wen:
- Tweet/Community inactivity
- Loss of Brahma or guild badges
- Lack of product interaction/community resource sumport/shill fuel
The secret is out, nothing gatekept anymore! Seek karma, retain and maximise your community rewards now that you know the route to the citadel.
Got further questions? Ask away on Brahma’s Discord now!
-Levelling (and delevelling) of roles is now active and takes place every 10th of the month.
-All karma has been shipped for April 23 contributooors and Console Alpha Quiz #1 Participants
-Keep an eye on this space fren, new “maxi” role is in the works and will be worth striving for.
Meanwhile, participate in the ongoing Vault Quiz Brahma Bounty here.
If you have made it this far, know that there’s still time to get in! Console Waitlist 2.0 closes next week:
New to Brahma Console? Read more here.
For more updates: Twitter | Discord
Disclaimer: The content of this post is provided for informational purposes only.
This article is not an offer of securities, an invitation to sell or a recommendation to subscribe for or purchase any securities, and it has been prepared without any consideration of particular investment objectives. Nothing herein constitutes investment advice or recommendation. Some creative material maybe highlighted in the blog. Brahma claims no ownership of the same and credits its relevant creators wherever due.