BagHodlers, Degens, Frens, Explorers and Brahma Maxis, assemble.
Curious to know how many badges have you bagged so far anon?S1 Brahma Badges, now live:
Want to know how to earn, retain and compete to bag a badge?
Scroll below for the updated alpha.🚨
With over a quarters worth of time to debate, design and develop, Brahma Badges are finally set to arrive and are here to stay! Here’s exactly why it matters and all that you need to do to unlock our version of Brahma’s achievment to-kwans.
Long story short, our community degens have upheld and spread the word of Brahma diligently in exchange for onchain + offchain calculations that sum up to deliver a consistently fluctuating karma score.
And while the thrill of demystifying karma’s “pamps and dumps” keeps the community speculating, it was finally time to gib the users almost an equal if not more concrete symbolism of their compounding efforts.
One that would not be Brahma’s most solemn mystery to decipher.
Long-term Compoundings
Arriving as part of season 1’s drop, are 11 Brahma badges that are carefully curated with some badges prospectively compounding from the onset of release, an opportunity to rewrite your efforts. As the community makes its way to the citadel, Brahma would like you to envision and strive for greater holdings of karma points and badges, if you wish to unlock Brahma’s highest, most generous “future offerings”.
And that’s the legend that has been projected during the composition of this post.
What to pin?👀
Brahma Badges are currently diversified in 3 actionable parts, Community-based, Contributor-based and Depositooor-based badges. Each badge holding multiple rings a.k.a levels is set to demostrate how your community efforts compound to unlock badges of increasing rarity until you finally reach grind salvation. Each badge has a differential updating timeline, ranging from immediate to monthly and quaterly unlocks.
Each badge would indicate a roadmap to conquer the achievement minus the deprivation of information. Clear, crisp and compounding actions that would lead you to seize your pin.
🔓Unlocked: S1 Brahma Badges
Karma season’s much-awaited drop is here.
Unveiling 11 Brahma Badges that are now set to become an integral part of your future offering alongside your Karma score.
Brahmanised Badge
Signifies your participation and connectivity within the Brahma Ecosystem.
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: Once
Future levels: Upcoming
Discord Maxi Badge
Signifies your activity frequency and contribution on Brahma’s community Server. Awarded to Top 100 discord maxis.
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: Weekly
Future levels: Upcoming (Top 50, Top 10, Top 3)
Junior Shiller Badge
How strong is your shill skill? Awarded to Brahma’s shill army based on 5+ shills on #proof-of-tweets channel
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: Currently retrospective, Prospectively awarded, bi-weekly, refreshed every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month
Future levels: Upcoming
Bounty Hunter Badge
Awarded to active Brahma bounty participants only
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: Currently retrospective, Prospectively awarded, bi-weekly, refreshed every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month
Future levels: Upcoming; based on complexity of bounty + time-to-effort dedication.
Ghost Riley Badge
Awarded to game night MVPs
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: End of game night, within t+ 1 days | Currently awarded to retrospective winnoors for a limited period of time
Future levels: Upcoming, based on winning streaks
Poker Chad Badge
Awarded to game night MVPs
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: End of game night, within t+ 1 days | Currently awarded to retrospective winnoors for a limited period of time.
Future levels: Upcoming, based on winning streaks
Meme Maestro Badge
Awarded to the degen memers of the month
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: Monthly
Future levels: N/A
Mod At Work Badge
Reserved to Brahma’s top performing mods only. What a flex!
Rarity: Uncommon
Updates: Currently retrospective, Prospectively awarded, bi-weekly, refreshed every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month
Future levels: Upcoming; quarterly performance basis
Vault Depositooor Badge
Brahma depositooors who occupy a minimum of 1% of a vaults total TVL. Only 10+ depositooors from the ETH Maxi DV, TopGear Vault and PMUSDC Vault hold this badge. Only 20+ depositooors from Polygains DV hold this badge.
Rarity: Rare
Updates: Once your deposit value compounds to 1% of the vault TVL amount; refreshed 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
Future levels: Based on new Vault introductions
Karma Hunter Badge
Brahma Diamond hands who held their positions without a single withdrawl through karma pot holding periods. Loyalty maxis!
Rarity: Common
Updates: Variable | Polygains 10K Karma Pot: Fully unlocks March 2023 and TopGear 10K Karma Pot unlocks Feb 2023
Future levels: Updated with upcoming Karma Pots
Early Seekooor Badge
Brahma’s Aastra Vault (Pilot strategy) OG sumport crew
Rarity: Super Rare
Updates: Never
Future levels: None; One-time reward.
Why do Brahma Badges have different rarity levels?
Right, Let’s first talk rarity. While all badges start off as uncommon badges, there would be some achievements that instantly unlock higher rarity based on the communities retrospective level of action.
Brahma badges, currently and moving forward will broadly belong to the following categories:
1️⃣Uncommon: Repetitive, simple actions that compound overtime.
2️⃣Common: Repetitive, effort-intensive actions that signal community loyalty (can be monetory as well as non-monetory)
3️⃣Rare: One-time efforts requiring substantial contributions (can be monetory as well as non-monetory)
4️⃣Super Rare: Time-locked, one-time opportunities that rarely repeat; demonstrating massive protocol sumport (can be monetory as well as non-monetory)
5️⃣Maxi: Apex-level ground-breaking achievements compounded overtime; consistency fuelled actions (can be monetory as well as non monetory)
Upcoming Levels, Tiers and Transferrability
With v1.1 update, some Brahma badges may fade retrospective winooors to restart a fresh cycle of achievers, making the badges transferrable in nature. This would particularly be applicable for all contribution related badges.
As for badges that involve, community and deposit actions, levels demonstrating points accumulated/unique vaults participation would be introduced to make badge awarding more transparent and systematic. Levels are set to be demostrated by individual glowing rings that light up or down based on updgrade/downgrade.
Each level fulfilled by a user would lead to “Tier” unlocks resulting in upgraded rarity that boost your badges. PS: We are taking your custom proposed badge suggestions for the S2 drop here, fyi.
In other news, plans to enable badge flex access on both twitter as well as discord are on the cards.
Stay tuned for upcoming S2 of Brahma badge announcement dates.
In the meanwhile, make sure you catch em all!
Got more questions? Suggestions and bug fix reports this way: Discord | Twitter
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